Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Have someone asked you today?

Communication is the open forum. However, we are being bombarded by every one's views. No wonder subjects of all types are being explored. I suppose you are wondering what I am talking about. Well, I am rambling about the word "opinion". I did a little probing and just maybe you will find this interesting.
A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: "The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion" Elizabeth Drew.
2. A judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert: a medical opinion.
3. A judgment or estimation of the merit of a person or thing: has a low opinion of braggarts.
4. The prevailing view: public opinion.
5. Law A formal statement by a court or other adjudicative body of the legal reasons and principles for the conclusions of the court.

Now, I suppose you are wondering why all of this. We are often asked different questions and many times our answers are conveyed by our opinions or the opinions of others. So to sum this up it is save to say, an opinion is in the mind of the person who asked the question. Have you given one lately?

from gwendolyn chronicle


LibraryLioness8 said...

Excellent food for thought! I think that we often ask another person for his/her opinion, and expect or hope the answer will reflect our own.

brown sugar said...

thought provoking. layout and colors are very nice