Saturday, May 30, 2009

Money & Finance #58 Banking, Budgeting and Spending

Online banking is a good idea if you like doing it all of the time. It is good if you want to check on your information after hours. I use a credit union banking and they do have online services. However, I personally like going to the bank and handling my business. The site is secure and they offer a lot of services online. However, I pefer doing it the old fashion way but for emergency purpos banking online is great.

2. Budgeting is a state of mind and discipline. I have begun to start seriously budgeting. I was looking at a show the other night about how to become un-broke. As I looked at it I took a look at where I was and I don't like it. So I made a serious decision to change the way I look at money. Money is a serious matter and I want to be responsible how I handle it. I have started a journal with my spending. This will give me a good idea of how I am spending and where it is going. I am opting to increase my savings and just doing basic finance 101.

3. I read the article and there were a lot of interesting things to take into consideration. With these helpful tools if adds to what I have already considered.
coupons and cheking the prices more closely and jotting things down is the best step in the right direction.

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