Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Future of Media 80- Video

The Future of Media #80: Movies

1. I watched Star Trek VII:Generations on hulu.com for a few minutes. Mainly to see if I could find it. I will not watch an entire film on computer, because staring at a 15" screen for almost two hours would bore me to a degree. I could not lay down and watch it like I could do on my TV ot DVD. I still prefer to watch DVDs on TV.

2. Yes, I found the current film information on Apple trailers to be very helpful. I would watch the clip and read the review first, before considering selecting a movie to watch.

3. Yes, I would consider useing Redbox service if I didn't want to buy the DVD.To pick up a DVD from Redbox, will take me less than 5 minutes of driving, from my home to around the corner to the drugstore. A DVD costs $1.00 rental fee and $0.08 tax for total of $1.08. I though this is a pretty economic way for a family movie night. I would only do this if I couldn't get it at the library and I just was to impatient to wait or just did not want to purchase it for a life time.

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