Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week 7 # 16 What is Wiki

I have worked with Wiki for just a minute. In using the sandbox wiki, I put in my favorite books, resturants and I have registered. However, my thoughts on wiki for some things is fun to do and be apart of a growing community sharing ideas and different things. I did not realize how many ways you could actully us wiki.
When it comes to intellectul information that provides health and other pertinent information to life situations, I would not use the wikipedia as the only means of gathering information. I had been taught through time to make sure that the information is suppose to be reliable and the source is credible. I think if there are things that is just fun stuff and it really doesn't matter any way then the wikipedia could be fun.
Using Wiki as a pathfinder is a real good tool for public library use. The patrons can have a place to put something on what they have read or what they would like to see the libary purchase. This would help librarians where it would be easier for them to put this on the web and it would be easy to change when it becomes necessary.

The diagram that I found just lets me know that wiki will go on and on just like a running bus.

1 comment:

Fourdogmom said...

Love the picture. I want to go to wiki wiki.