Friday, October 26, 2007

Week 7#17 Blog about technology

Technology has taken us to a new level of communication. All through time we have always found new and better ways of doing something. Some have said that live is all about changes. With each change of advance their are pros and cons. Technology, has given us and opportunity to communicate in ways we had never thought possible. The freedom of the web as open us to vast knowledge of information. At the same time this information has brought about new challenges. The challenge of defining if this information is accurate or just some one having their own personal viewpoint. We have now relied so heavy on the internet we are handling busines from one click a way on keyboard. This is good but at times this too is anoying. There are times I want to talk to a voice a human being not a recording of some fake sound of a human being. Bank business is now done mostly on the internet and yet we have the concern of rather our identity will be stolen. This could still happen with paper but the internet is world wide.
Children are more interested in using the web rather than holding a desent concersation. Sending e-mail is faster but is feel so im-personal. If feels like I rather talk to key board than talk one on one with you. We have become so use this technology that it has invaded every area of our lives. In some aspects we do not even have to go to church or public fellowship we can just click it on the internet any time of day and relax in PJ's. There are times I even ask myself; how far are we going to take technology. At one time we wondered about the robot now we have to wonder about the internet and all of its capabilities. Technology is here to stay we either have to get on board and keep up with it or we will be left behind. All I say is stay on top of it and do your best to keep up.

I have look at some of the blogs and placed my comments. Some of them like library lioness, sports mom, Brown sugar, and the decider and many others. It's been a blast.

1 comment:

LibraryLioness8 said...

Excellent comments and solid ideas. I worry about people relying too much on email, too. Check the Zits comic for Friday, Oct. 26. I think I'll put it on my blog.