Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Week 8# 18 Social Networking

Social networking is a way of connecting with people all around the globe. It is a way of connecting with people with like interest as yourself. I find that doing this is fun for people who have the time to play around with the web.

I think this is good in one way but at times I find that even in bloging I really do not want to talk that much all of the time. Even in using blogs in speaking with my close associates sometimes I just don't feel like typing my thoughts. I am more of a face to face communicator. This is good for people who thinks that no one is a stranger to them and they would find this quite interesting.

I searched on some of the net working sights like my space. When I searched it I discovered any and everybody is on that ome. I was courious about it because of all of the hoop-la about it. It's okay, if thats your choice. I looked into xanga and saw that it was a another blog post and I read some interesting things on this one. I think that if you do this enought you can become a real blogger. It is just amazing to what length one can go in using the internet.

1 comment:

Know-el said...

I'm sure happy I can keep you talking or at the most listening 2 my MANY aches and pains. What would I do without U:)